WordGlory Translation Services - About Us

About Us

A little bit about ourselves, about our history, present and future.


In 2009, a group of talented people, most of which in their late 20s, decided to leave their present comfortable and salary-secured jobs, and take the risk of setting up a translation company, in order to offer some of the best translation capabilities directly to foreign translation agencies. Since they believed in the old Chinese saying “Writings can be passed down for a thousand years, while fortune and power may vanish in the blink of an eye” (文章千古好,富貴一時榮), they named the company WordGlory (文燦譯館) in honor of the glorious cause of writing and translating.

Strengths and Challenges

Some of our members had been working in several major translation agencies in Shenzhen, and had been taking leading roles in their respective departments. They had been project managers, final reviewers and proofreaders of projects from major oversea translation companies with end clients being world-renowned brands, such as Acronis, Banyan Tree Resorts and Hotels, Bosch, F-Secure, Fidelity Investments, HP, HSBC, IBM, Macallan, Philips, Samsung, Starwood Hotels, Swatch, United Airlines and more.


Though we were all experienced PMs and translators, it was a new experience to run a business. We agreed with each other that we should only focus on English to Chinese translation at the beginning and only expand to other languages when we became sure about the quality control process and freelancer resources for these languages. As of 2019, we already become an expert team of Asian languages, including but not limited to Japanese, Korean, Thai, Filipino, Hindi, Indonesian, and Malay. We can also handle translation as well DTP for languages like Arabic.


In 2011, as our business continued to grow, we set up a branch office in Wuhan, an important capital city in central China. In so doing, we not only increased our presence in domestic market, but also became more exposed to greater and finer resources of translators, as Wuhan is considered one of most concentrated areas of top universities in China.

In 2016, we set up an office in Hong Kong. In 2023, our Hong Kong team moved into new office.

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