WordGlory Translation Services - Career


Linguists and DTP Specialists Application

Talented people are always welcome at WordGlory. We're currently in need of English to Chinese freelancers and DTP speicalists. If you're interested, please send us your CV and a sample of works to:



Please state in your Email:

whether you have the experience of working as a full-time employee for a translation/localization company as well as your current job status;
whether you use CAT tools, e.g. Trados, SDLX, Idiom, Wordfast etc., if so, please also specify the version of each tool you use;
your top specialized fields, e.g. IT, finance, medicine, Marketing etc.;

4. your daily output, e.g. 3,000 words/day;
your availability to take jobs (specifically on which days of the week can you work for us);
your expected rate and the price range you can accept in a thousand source words.

After checking your email, we may also request a copy of your diploma, lanuage or professional certificates and/or personal identity documents for further validation. We may also request you to do a free test translation before including you in our translators pool.

菊 Chrysanthemum